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Minecraft Discord Bot

The control panel features a Discord bot which you can configure to start when your server starts. The Discord bot works on any type of Minecraft server such as Vanilla, Fabric, Forge, Spigot etc...


Two way console linking

Your console output will be sent to a specified Discord channel and you can also type your console commands in that channel.

Two way chat linking

Your player chat will be sent to a specified Discord channel and your players can type messages in there which will be relayed back to Minecraft

Role based permissions

Set the role that is allowed to type console commands or the role that is required to chat

Console filters

Specify text which when matched in a console line it will not be relayed to Discord


The bot provides some convenience commands:

  • /restart - Restarts your Minecraft server
  • /stop - Stops your Minecraft server
  • /players - List online players
  • /player <username> - Get the players server profile, this will list how long they played on the server
  • /uptime - Check server uptime

Channel Topic Updater


This feature requires the Manage Channels permission

This is an optional feature where you can have the bot update your Chat or Console channel topic. The topic will update on a 10 minute interval due to Discord rate limits.

You can use the following variables in the channel topic:

%PLAYERS_ONLINE_COUNT%Number of currently online players
%SERVER_SLOTS%Max number of players on server
%PLAYERS_TOTAL_COUNT%Count of all server players
%SERVER_UPTIME_MINUTES%Server uptime in minutes
%SERVER_UPTIME_HOURS%Server uptime in hours
%SERVER_UPTIME_DAYS%Server uptime in days
%TOPIC_LAST_UPDATE%Timestamp of topic last update

Setup Guide

Every Minecraft server on the Laplace panel can have its own Discord bot which you can setup by going to the server Integrations -> Discord page. The Discord bot uses your own bot token and it is linked to your Discord account.

Bot Setup

  1. Go to and create a new application
  2. Copy the APPLICATION ID on the General Information page to your Bot Client ID on your servers Integrations page
  3. Go to the Bot page and click on the Add Bot button, here is where you can give your bot a name and a profile picture
  4. Copy the Discord bot TOKEN to your Bot Token on the Integrations page
  5. Enable the "Message Content Intent" setting
  6. Right click on your server icon on Discord and copy ID, this is your Bot Server ID on the Integrations page

At this stage you are done with setting up your bot and you can invite it to your Discord server, use the invite link below in your browser and replace the client_id number with your bot APPLICATION ID

Channel and Permissions Setup

To setup your channels and roles for the Bot you will need to copy the ID numbers of channels and roles by right clicking on them on Discord, if you don't see a Copy ID option then you need to enable Discord Developer Mode in your Discord client Advanced Settings.

The Console and Chat ID's correspond to the channels where you wish to relay your server console or chat, while the respective Role ID's correspond to the roles that the Discord users need to have to use the respective channels.